We Die Rich...

"We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we've entered and swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in."

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Whatever it is, I'd probably do it.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


There is much I want to write, but unfortunately it is 4am and I have to be up for a work meeting at 9am. *sigh* Also unfortunate is the fact that I am not even remotely tired. And even *more* unfortunate still is the fact that I do not have a digital camera in my possession at this exact moment in time. For if I did, then I would surely upload pictures of the lovely plum colored bruise currently residing on my hip as a result of "silent" ball and breakdancing with Mat. It is quite a doozie! (Though it cannot compare to the one I got as a result of flying off of Parrish's jet ski 2 summers ago...but really, what bruise could?)

I also have swelling on both of my wrists, and one is severely discolored--somewhere between bright red and brown, as well as some bruises on the tops of my hands, pain where I was smashed in the nose, and a nasty ankle injury to my left foot as a result of a failed attempt at this. (That's pretty close to what my attempts looked like too...haha)

Whatever though...it was all in good fun. And, much like the game of tetherball, the bruises are our trophies that make it all worth it! Am I right, Will? Of course I am! Goodnite!

p.s. Does this little teth-loving boy remind anyone else of a wee Joel??? Cause it did me! haha


Blogger emsley said...

you win for grosset links.

actually, i don't think that looks like little joel. little joel looked a bit like a little larry appleton.

i miss will.

Sunday, July 02, 2006 11:08:00 AM  

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