We Die Rich...

"We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we've entered and swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in."

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Whatever it is, I'd probably do it.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

This Morning...

(cont.'d from DreamsWeDream...if you're visiting my blog first, you probably wanna go back and read the dream post before you proceed...otherwise, this post is meaningless.)

...Now I was scared and annoyed. I *finally* realized that this noise was coming from Ron's phone, probably his alarm, and that everyone else had already woken up and was downstairs. So, I shut off the alarm and went downstairs where Alicia & Leroy are cracking up and asking me what that noise was! I'm like, "Wait, what??? Why are you asking *me*?? That's *your* fiancee's stupid phone alarm!!" But Lic had never heard it before cause she leaves for work earlier than Ron. Her and Leroy had been joking that it must be "the noise from inside my own head playing". I was still annoyed...and her dogs jumping all over me wasn't helping. Ron finally emerges from the guest room where he'd slept so that me, Lic & Leroy could stay upstairs and hang out all nite--which was super sweet of him, I just wish he'd remembered to either take his phone with him, or cancel his daily alarm! I asked him what the heck his phone was doing/saying and he's like, "Oh, you didn't catch that it was saying "MoTo, MoTo"?" Uhh, no Ron, sorry I missed that while I was asleep and watching someone's half-eaten face twitch around in front of me! ...What a way to be woken up. They all then proceeded to growl and howl and get the dogs all riled up...for amusement I guess? I had to get out of there. I was not amused.