We Die Rich...

"We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we've entered and swum up like rivers, fears we've hidden in."

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Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Whatever it is, I'd probably do it.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Many Thanks...

I am thankful to Brad F. and John L. for persuading me to come out of my house last nite and away from "Sex & the City"--and for drawing me out from my own head & grumpiness... Thank you for your persistance...it paid off nicely! I had a truly great evening, even if it didn't end until 6:30am...and really, who am I kidding anyways? I *love* staying up all nite! :)

After Eat'nPark and some much-needed laughing & catching up, we traipsed the grounds of W&J college and the historic district of Washington until the wee morning hours...it was well-lit and there were campus security guards around, so it felt perfectly safe! I also finally met John's fiancee, er well, I at least *saw* her...perhaps I will actually get to meet and chat with her soon...

Anyways, I'm off to work now...


Blogger Rosemeyer said...

I think you could have done anything other than watch that show and it would have been a good evening. I mean anything. I just don't like it, but that's just me.

Friday, June 23, 2006 5:36:00 PM  
Blogger Reese said...

hahaha Jay, I actually *like* that show!!! Really like it. I borrowed the entire series from Alicia and am highly enjoying working my way thru all 6 seasons. Sorry!

Friday, June 23, 2006 9:45:00 PM  

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